Hi There,
I know this page is supposed to be about me, but I wanted to start my story by saying that you remind me of myself. I know we have never met, but the fact that you are taking the time to get to know about the person behind the site and not just consume reminds me that you are a curious mind.
A curious mind is a deep mind.
Can you remember a time when you were a child and you felt a close bond to someone who helped make you the person that you are today? A person that makes you smile just by thinking of them.
Well, I became the person that I am today by some words that were given to me by my Granddad and that have helped me lead a truly meaningful life. I want to share these words with you which have enabled me to meet some incredible people and have a lot of fantastic experiences.
“Listen to everyone including one others may call a fool, because even a fool may have a good idea and not know it..,
And you may be the fool.”
From these wise words I learned four lessons that changed my life
1. Everyone deserves to be listened to as though they have a special secret for you! Remember we all want to be listened to.
2. You can learn from everyone if you take the time to listen to someone. You can learn to make good decisions from wise words, or avoid bad decisions from their ill advised words.
3. You might not be acting in your best interest, because nobody knows everything and by not listening you won’t learn anything new.
4. You might ACTUALLY think you have little value, and you may not have faith in yourself and your ideas and you need to change that belief. I have spent the better part of my life working with people to empower them to have more competence in their abilities and belief in themselves.
From working with children with autism to teaching people to learn English. It has been my privilege to learn from so many different people. I want to share the joy I have experienced by sharing their advice and humour with you.
Apparel for Your Thoughts has been designed to be a conversation starter, because only when we begin to communicate can we start to change the world.
This is my story… What’s yours?

An Idea was born
Apparel for Your Thoughts was born of the idea that each of us has had one piece of advice given to us from someone special to us that has changed our lives, that we share with others in their time of need or as a tool they can use to grow.
Each shirt has a story behind it and a real person. These Tees are not brand slogans, but wisdom gleaned from people that honours a part of who they become, or someone they have loved.
Come inside and find the idea that suits who you are, your beliefs, or find an idea to change your life…
10% of all profits is going to KIVA (link) to continue the mission of changing lives and helping those in need get on their feet for a better tomorrow.

We believe in Changing Lives
10% of all profits is going to KIVA to continue the mission of changing lives and helping those in need get on their feet for a better tomorrow.
Join our Tribe
Do you have some advice that has helped you a lot?
Join the tribe…
You can send your advice with a story about how you acquired it, how it changed your life and who was
the person who shared it with you. If we pick your words of wisdom, we will design a T-shirt, put your name on the Tee or the name of the person who inspired you, and we will share your wisdom with the world. Of course you will get a free T-shirt for yourself and know that 10% of your shirts net profits will go to Kiva helping communities all over the world. So are you ready to start honouring those who have helped you, sharing your knowledge, helping others around the world, by changing the world one idea at a time?
Another way to join the tribe is to wear your Tee, drink from your mug or travel with your bag and us your picture to our community page and show your support!
What are you waiting for?
The world needs heroes, become one now and change the world with your words of wisdom!